A Laboratory for Symbols. Reflections on Today's Europe[i] 7 aastat ago Gregor Taul Architecture, Article, Estonian art 17/2 0 ••• Ah, all is symbols and analogies! The wind on the move, the night that will freeze, Are something other than night and a wind – Shadows o...
Dismantling the Binary Pillars of Knowledge 7 aastat ago Gregor Taul Architecture, Article, Estonian Art 17/1 1 ••• Why should a university department of spatial design be an object of study in an art magazine? We know of cases where fine arts faculties or...
History of Estonian Art 6/II 8 aastat ago admin Books, Estonian Art 16/1 11 ••• Editor Krista Kodres Texts by Anu Allas, Sirje Helme, Jaak Kangilaski, Anu Kannike, Juta Kivimäe, Krista Kodres, Andres Kurg, Peeter Linnap...
Art life outside the capital city 9 aastat ago Gregor Taul Art, Article, Estonian Art 15/1 0 ••• Viljandi, a town of 18 000 inhabitants in southern Estonia, and other historically significant county centres have been known amongst archit...