Compiler: Mart Kalm
Editor: Eva Näripea
Design and layout: Kaarel Nõmmik, Mikk Heinsoo
In Estonian and English
608 pages
Published by the Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn 2014

The collection of twenty two research articles was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The articles tackle the topics of art and art education, and reflect on how much art can be taught and learned. Other topics include the activities of the Estonian Art Society in establishing the school, strategies of administering the school and its relations with the state; the Research Society of Students and teaching communist subjects at the Art Institute; challenges of neo-liberal situation to the academy, etc.

The list of authors is diverse, from professors to PhD students, mainly art historians. The articles are richly illustrated. There is also a list of the school’s graduates and the current employees.